Friday 19 May 2017

Don't want to mod your Game Boy/Pocket/Color/Advance? Here's how I made an external light that actually works!

Nintendo's Game Boy line is something very close to my heart. Over the course of my life, I've owned and enjoyed every iteration of the plucky handheld, from DMG to Color to Micro, and everything inbetween. As anyone who grew up with the earlier versions of the Game Boy will atest to however, the complete lack of an internal light was always, to put it politely, something of a hindrance. Various third-party companies tried to step in with numerous solutions, and these ranged from the bulky, battery-powered add-ons produced for the DMG to the small, flexible worm-lights that everyone with a Game Boy Color seemed to own.They all had one thing on common though; none of them really worked. Whether it was due to the light being, so small and focused that it merely illuminated one tenth of the screen, or because the light was so dim that it could give Paris Hilton a run for her money. The struggle for 90's kids was real.

Tuesday 2 May 2017

Oddworld Adventures - Game Boy - Review

I’ll never forget my first experience with an Oddworld game. Soon after the release of Abe’s Oddysee in 1997, I found myself sat, huddled around an old PC monitor with a friend as we watched the opening cut-scene, open-mouthed. FMV cutscenes in video games were still fairly new at the time (at least to a console gamer like myself) and I was completely transfixed by the richly, detailed world and cinematic quality storytelling.